Simple, yet insightful.


Web Trivia

The web trivia applet allows webmasters to add a trivia game to their web site. This version includes a tagline at the bottom of the applet mentioning this web site. For a version without the tagline, e-mail

Follow these steps to add the web trivia applet to your web page:
  1. Download (right-click or option-click and "save target as") the TriviaApplet.jar file.
  2. Download the trivia.txt file.
  3. Change the questions and answers in the trivia.txt file, making sure to keep the same format. (All items end with a "~". A question is all on the same line and line starts with "Question:", Answer "a. " is on the next line, "b. " is on the next, then "c. " on the next line and "d. " on the next line. The letter corresponding to the correct answer is the next line. Finally the 7th line contains a line to be displayed to the user when they answer. This is repeated for each question. There must be at least 20 questions, but could be many more.
  4. Upload the TriviaApplet.jar and trivia.txt file to the web server.
  5. Include a modified version of the following code to your web page:
    <applet code="TriviaApplet.class" width=480 height=360 archive="TriviaApplet.jar" codebase="http://**web address of TriviaApplet.jar**">
    <param name="dataurl" value="http://**web address of the trivia.txt file**">
    <param name="title" value="**Title to appear in the trivia game**">
    <param name="background" value="255,255,255">
    <param name="foreground" value="0,68,119">
    <param name="font" value="Times, plain, 12">
    <param name="titlefont" value="Times, bold, 18">
    <param name="width" value="360">
    <param name="message18" value="**Message if user gets 18 to 20 answers right**">
    <param name="message14" value="**Message if user gets 14 to 17 answers right**">
    <param name="message9" value="**Message if user gets 9 to 13 answers right**">
    <param name="message0" value="**Message if user gets less than 9 answers right**">
    The only required parameters are dataurl, width, and the message parameters. Default values are used if the other parameters don't exist. Foreground and background expect a number for red, green, and blue. The font paramenters expect the font name, followed by style (plain, bold, or italics), and point size.