Technology News

2600 - The Hacker Quarterly's on-line site.

Google News - A continuously updated summarization of many news sources.

Newsfactor Network - Internet/technology news site. - "News for nerds. Stuff that matters."

Wired News - Technology related news stories.


Sun's Java Home Page - Stay current on the technology.

Java 1.4 API - Use this for reference.

Java Gaming Organization - Keep up on the building Java games.

O'Reilly's On Java - Current Java topics.

JARS - Java review service.

Java Developer's Journal - Magazine.

Java Glossary

jGuru - Discussion and Q&A. - Java discussion newsgroups.

The Server Side - Site about server side Java programming.

WWW Development

Web Developers Journal

World Wide Web Consortium - The organization that develops the standards of the web.

W3 Schools - Lots of learning articles.

Computers (General)

American Association for Artificial Intelligence

MIT's Artificial Intelligence Lab

Amiga Web Directory - Now "retired," still a great source for Commodore Amiga computers.

Eclipse IDE - My current development environment of choice.

Electronic Frontier Foundation - Protecting the public's rights on-line.

Extreme Programming - Alternative software development methodology.

Design Patterns Java Workbook - "Oozinoz" is a site to support this instrumental book by Steve Metsker, a co-worker.

XP123 - "Exploring Extreme Programming" is run by a Bill Wake, a former co-worker.

Refactoring - The art of making software code better (reliable, scalable, readable, etc.) without impacting its functionality.

Software Development Magazine